Support Us
Yes! I want to help the OCC thrive!
Ticket prices and member dues help us to cover the expense of presenting our music to our beloved audiences, but we depend on donations to keep our finances in the black. Every gift is appreciated, from small to large. Thank you!
The Occidental Community Choir is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your gift is always tax deductible.
Make a donation!
We’re grateful for donations in any amount. You can use a credit card or Paypal.
Make a monthly donation
Click the button below to make an automatic monthly deduction to the choir. Patreon will automatically make the payment every month from your credit card or bank account. You can cancel at any time. Every little bit helps! Thank you!
Advertise with us!
For more information or to reserve an ad/sponsorship message:
To pay for an ad that you have already booked:
As with most community choirs, OCC members pay their dues, learn their music, come to rehearsals, and in addition to singing in all the concerts, do all the work required to put them on.
We can always use some help!
In exchange for working at a concert, you will be able to see that concert for free (plus the extra, added bonus of picking a great seat before the audience arrives!).
Here are the jobs that always need doing:
Help put up and take down risers
Take tickets at the door
Help with setting up, selling, and cleaning up concessions
For more information or to let us know you'd like to help, please email us.